
3min from Kuramae station-10min from Metro station-12 min from JR line! close to Asakusa!To Nihonbashi-Akihabara-Ueno on bike in 10min.Many old shops.Walk to Sumida River! Women-only lounge available.Washing machine is free!

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Location Details

  • Kuramae Station on the Toei Ooedo/Asakusa Line 3 Minutes Walking Distance
  • Tawaramachi Station on the Tokyo-metro Ginza Line 10 Minutes Walking Distance
  • Asakusabashi Station on the Soubu Cyuuou Kankou Line 12 Minutes Walking Distance

Room Features

  • A/C
  • Closet
  • Single sie bed
  • Lighting
  • desk
  • chair
  • curtain
  • fridge
  • LAN

Common Features

  • Parking lot for bicycles
  • Washing machine
  • Microwave
  • Air conditioning
  • TV
  • Refrigerator
  • Bed
  • Futon
  • Lighting equipment
  • Tableware
  • Toaster
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Rice Cooker
  • General cookware
  • Post
  • Balcony
  • Washstand
  • Iron

Room Availability

Room Size Rent Deposit Type Utilities Status
101 6.97 m2 ¥45,000 ¥50,000 Shared(1) ¥16,000 Occupied
102 5.67 m2 ¥42,000 ¥50,000 Shared(1) ¥16,000 Occupied
103 7.13 m2 ¥45,000 ¥50,000 Shared(1) ¥16,000 Occupied
104 5.99 m2 ¥42,000 ¥50,000 Shared(1) ¥16,000 Occupied
105 7.13 m2 ¥44,000 ¥50,000 Shared(1) ¥16,000 Occupied
201 10.85 m2 ¥51,000 ¥50,000 Shared(1) ¥16,000 Occupied
202 6.97 m2 ¥47,000 ¥50,000 Shared(1) ¥16,000 Occupied
203 7.45 m2 ¥50,000 ¥50,000 Shared(1) ¥16,000 Occupied
204 12.15 m2 ¥54,000 ¥50,000 Shared(1) ¥16,000 19 August 2024
301 10.37 m2 ¥48,000 ¥50,000 Shared(1) ¥16,000 Occupied
302 7.13 m2 ¥47,000 ¥50,000 Shared(1) ¥16,000 Occupied